crested gecko egg care
IxFirst of let me tell you some good website where u can find great info on keeping crested gecko eggs.
JB's Crested Gecko Info. (she has a lot of great videos on youtube as well on how to breed cresties and keep your eggs) - The Ultimate Crested Gecko Resource - Home
Now if u don't want to go through them I can tell you briefly when u first decide to put the male and female togeher be sure your breeding healthy geckos. By healthy I mean they are over 35grams in weight, have not physical problems (tail loss isn't a problem its normale) like an over or under bite deformities mainly. Please don't breed anything that isn't 100% healthy.
When u put them together the male will do his thing when he is done you will see his in simple terms penis after he is done which is normal he will lick it until it goes back in. The female will lay her eggs between 30-45 days after mating usually 35 in my experience. She will need to have a lay box you can choose a wide variety of lay media. I use a mixture of peat moss and vermiculite to keep mositure and humidity leveled athough u can use either one by themselves.
Once she lays them you will need to move them into a rubbermaid food storage box that's about 3-4 inches tall and 5-6 inches wide. You can get bigger or smaller but keep in mind it has to be humid inside. To small can be too humid and to big will be less humid.
For incubation media I use repashy superhatch works great for me don't really need to wet it all the time if any and you don't need to a by weight ratio. But you can use perlite, vermicutile, hatchrite, or a mix of things but keep in mind most of them require a by weight ratio.
Your eggs should be incubated at no lower than 69 fahrenheit or higher than 80 fahrenheit I keep them between 73-76 fahrenheit. These are usually room temperature for some place for example mine. So I don't use an incubator but I do make sure I keep them inside a box where I monitor there temp. I live in LA, California. the eggs can hatch anywhere between 60-120 days depending on the temps you keep them at the lower the longer it takes and the higher the shorter. Its been said its better to keep them in lower temps so they will hatch out stronger I'm a strong beleiver of that so my eggs usually hatch after 90 days. Plus I believe they not only grow stronger but look more vibrant and have better patterns, and structure.
Once they hatch you want to keep them in a small critter keeper and get bigger every 3-4 months or depending on how fast they grow some can be put into bigger keeper in less time. The length and weight is what matters on when u can change them. DON'T feed them for the first few days until after he/she has gone through their first shed not that its bad but they usually won't eat anyway so save your food and money. After 3days usually you can feed them. Crested gecko diet for the first 4-5 months before u should feed them live food like crickets and stuff don't give them mealworms or super worms until adults and even then I still wouldn't.
Well good luck and have fun its a great experience.