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Hi Everyone!
I just bought a gram scale to weigh my Leos; however, I am not happy with what it is telling me. According to the standard weight charts the scale is telling me all my kids are underweight!
NAME SEX Description Distinct Marks/Coloration Wt In grams
CHLOE F Enigma Albino Banded Snow 29
NELLY F Enigma Albino Banded Snow 26
Juv#1 ? Appears to be HighYellow 23
Juv#2 ? Appears to be HighYellow 23
AYLA F Spotted Snow 40
Jondolar M? Yellow Spotted Snow 47
Short Tail F Striped Banana Blizzard/Snow 30
Miss Piggy F Yellow Raptor Hex 34
I was reading a weight chart that states (on the average) Females are 7" long and weight 50-70 grams, with Males being 8/9" long and 70-90 grams. If this is true than ALL the Leos in my collection are underweight !