Posting Pictures...

Riverside Reptiles

Administrator (HMFIC)
-Firstly, we require that you've made at least 3 normal posts before you're allowed to post pictures.
The reason for this is so that spammers can't just come in here and put up a bunch of spam with porn pictures in it. So make sure that you've made at least 3 posts in the forums before trying to post your pics.

- Here's a link to how to attach your pictures directly from your hard drive:
Geckos Unlimited - FAQ: vBulletin FAQ

- You can also post photos the old school HTML way. Make yourself an account with Photo bucket or Image Shack or one of the other free posting services. And then upload your photos to them and they will give you the html "code" to enter into the body of your post. Most of these posting services will give you explicit directions on how to do this if you can't figure it out.


New member
By "3 posts" do you mean 3 submitted posts of my own or just 3 separate comments on someone else's posts? ...If it's the latter I'm 2 posts/comments away from being able to post pics of my new setup.