Leopard Gecko: eating, but not pooping

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
hi my leopard gecko is eating but isent pooping could you reply to me thanks

How long has it been since your leo pooped?

From another post, it seems as if you are using reptile carpet as the substrate.

What do you feed him?
What calcium and vitamins are you using?

A picture of your leo and his cage will be most helpful.
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New member
If you don't already have one then put a UTH on the tank. Belly heat is super important for leopard geckos and food digesting.
i have an under tank heater its always on 85 for hot side and 75 for cool side and she hasent pooped for 6 days now i put her in the sink for 15 min but hasent pooped. i feed him crickets she doesent like mealworms and they are hard for her to digest.i use reptical for her calcium. how do you post a picture of her i just got on 3 days ago


New member
i have an under tank heater its always on 85 for hot side and 75 for cool side and she hasent pooped for 6 days now i put her in the sink for 15 min but hasent pooped. i feed him crickets she doesent like mealworms and they are hard for her to digest.i use reptical for her calcium. how do you post a picture of her i just got on 3 days ago


If you look in this caresheet it explains how to post a picture. Also take the time to read through it carefully and let us know how it compares to your geckos husbandry.

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New member
Size of enclosure?
How many hides?
Humidity Hide?
What brand of supplements?
Calcium? calcium with d3? multivitamins?
Which hide does he spend most of his time in?
Temperatures, cool side? warm side? air temp?
How often did you dust his insects with d3 and multivitamin?
Did you keep calcium in the enclosure? with d3 or without?
What type of thermometer are you reading the temps with?
How long has she been refusing to eat?
40 gallon long
hides 3
humid hide yes
i think her calcium is reptical
she spends most of her time in the granite hide
cool side is 75 hot side is 85
3 times a week
zilla thernomiter
shes not refusing to eat shes just not pooping

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
i have an under tank heater its always on 85 for hot side and 75 for cool side and she hasent pooped for 6 days now i put her in the sink for 15 min but hasent pooped. i feed him crickets she doesent like mealworms and they are hard for her to digest.i use reptical for her calcium. how do you post a picture of her i just got on 3 days ago

So you ARE using reptile carpet as the substrate?

Tell us: Is your calcium a pure calcium or a calcium with D3? Just in case, never leave calcium with D3 in the tank. Pure calcium should be left in the tank 24/7.

Is the brand Rep-Cal? You need a phosphorus-free calcium.

If you do not have multivitamins right now, I suggest buying Zoo Med's Reptivite with D3 and vitamin A acetate.
i fed her crickets 5 of them 3 in the morning 2 at 7:30 granite hide is always 85 because its on the hot side last time was 6 days ago i own alot of leos but never had impacted one


New member
85 ground? Maybe she needs it a bit warmer? I would increase the belly heat to 90 degrees and see if that helps. Post a picture of her and her enclosure.

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
i cote them with d3 and i have calicum without in the tank

What is the temp in the granite hide? Do you used multivitamins? If so which brand? When was her last bowel movement? What did you feed her right before you noticed?

yes the brands rep cal thanks lol and in her cage she has calcium without d3 in it

In addition to the pure calcium, it is recommended that you buy Zoo Med's Reptivite (with D3 and vitamin A acetate). Then you would skip using the Rep-Cal with D3, because the Reptivite already contains D3 but also many more vitamins.
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