Welcome GU members to this new forum as of the 20 March 2013.....


New member
So hardwikii are fair game in this sub? I'm kinda confused since, aside from fuscus, all eublepharis are called leopard geckos, be it common, Indian, etc.

Riverside Reptiles

Administrator (HMFIC)
So hardwikii are fair game in this sub? I'm kinda confused since, aside from fuscus, all eublepharis are called leopard geckos, be it common, Indian, etc.

There are 5 species currently recognized in the genus Eublepharis.
Eublepharis angramainyu
Eublepharis fuscus
Eublepharis hardwickii
Eublepharis macularius
Eublepharis turcmenicus

Eublepharis macularius (and often it's subspecies) are generally considered the common "Leopard Gecko".
They belong in the "Leopard Gecko" forums.

The rest of the Eublepharis (angramainyu, fuscus, hardwickii, turcmenicus) belong in here.


New member
Ok, cool. Now I'm straight on that one. I know of a few hardwickii keepers, but haven't heard of the others in captivity.

Riverside Reptiles

Administrator (HMFIC)
That is why common names are useless and we encourage people to utilize the proper latin names.
Common names lead to common mistakes.

Riverside Reptiles

Administrator (HMFIC)
Maybe would be better to include locale wild type macularius in this one. What you guys think about it?

I think that would make things very confusing and cause me a whole lot more work in the end!:scratchhead:

If someone really has an advanced keeping question about a truly wild type macularius, that can't get answered in the leo forums, there's no reason that they can't post it in here. But I'm not going to make any official rule over it as all it will do is cause a whole crap ton of leo owners to post their stuff incorrectly in here. The general rule is Leo stuff over there ---->
and the other Eubs over here <----


New member
I am a big fan of correct latin names for all animals, that´s one of the things I am proud of country´s hobbists, we almost always use latin scientific names for all animals and feeders, and since this is an international forum, IMO the use of correct names should be encouraged! It is a bit confusing for me to read about "Phoenixworms", "Hornworms", "Waxworms", "Butterworms", etc etc... even when referring to something as common as mealworms I always talk about Tenebrio molitor (when talking to people in person, of course) it helps a lot to lower the language barrior.

PS: I Would LOOOOVE to learn more about other Eublepharis Great Addition to GU !!