need some help

Atomic Geckos

New member
so I breed geckos large lizards and ampibans so I though it would be a cool Idia to add to my gecko selction going to pick them up in like 3 days but I got 1.2 fattail geckos and 1.1 frog eyes I know how to care and breed the fattails but am a little stumped I read they need to burrow ?? and need uv and are desert animals but then people showing them setup with daygeckos realy need some advice on breeding care and incubation temps thanks


Moderator/The French Viking Moderathorr
Teratoscincus are NOT day geckos, exactly like fat-tails. They are nocturnal.
Which "frog-eyed" species are you getting?

Atomic Geckos

New member
Aculy im not sure lol it was labled wondergeckos also i dident say they were day gecko a dude had a setup with a day gecko and frogeyed


Moderator/The French Viking Moderathorr
Then it will be very difficult to give any care advice. The whole genus is present from Pakistan to Siberia, which means a lot of climatic differences according to each species and subspecies. Do you have any clue about the country your specimens come from?

Atomic Geckos

New member
Ya i just looked tibetain frog eyed geckos im paying 30 us each for them wc i.beileve(doesent say otherwise ) sayes juvinals to adults on the storess web site


Moderator/The French Viking Moderathorr
Ok, so in other words you are getting Teratoscincus roborowskii. Giving them a winter rest with no food and low temps is absolutely essential to trigger breeding, but you have first to make sure the geckos are not infested by internal parasites (through a fecal sample taken to your reptile vet) and that their food intake is normal at other times of the year. Cooling them down to the low 50s °F will help. Reduce the duration of lighting, even natural, accordingly, down to 5-6 hrs a day during this winter cooling period.