The Gex Files Photo Contest


New member
The Gex Files Photo-contest.

Send in your nicest, funniest or cutest picture of your “Gecko of Oceania” and get a chance to win a 50% discount* on one of our available geckos of your choice.

How to enter the contest:
“Like” our Facebook-page ( and place the picture on the wall with the text “Photo-contest”.
At the end of this month we will make an album and upload every picture in it.
People will than have 14 days to “like” the picture(s) of their choice.
The picture with the most “likes” will get the 50% discount**.

*Please note that the discount is only on the gecko.
The Dollar price includes 80 Dollar shipping costs.

**If it’s a draw we will have the final decision.

Only 1 entry per person.