Crested gecko eggs dead?


New member
So today my mom found that some small Tupperware containers i have in my room were all turned on their sides. Unfortunately, one of these containers had my Crested gecko eggs laid on Sept. 4. The only possible way that this could have happened is if someone turned them on their side. A few nights ago some family friend's annoying daughter and friend were over at my house. I am 99% sure it was them, as they were mistreating my other animals, like poking my Chinchilla with a ****ing broom until i had to tell them to stop like wtf. ANYWAYS on to the point. Are they still alive? I know that the eggs die when they are rolled, but were they so far along they would have made it? (2 months and 9 days) I am really angry and sad about this especially since the babies were actually starting to form. Thanks


Super Moderator
I would candle them before panicking. it doesn't sound good, but never EVER toss an egg until it shrivels and smells bad.


New member
I'm kinda scared to try and flip them to the right side. I did put marks on the eggs with pencil. Should i try and flip them again?


New member
Ok so i candled the eggs and they didn't look that bad. But to be honest i'm not that good at candling so i would like a 2nd opinion.

1st Egg:
2nd Egg:


New member
Turning eggs doesn't actually seem to have as much effect on them as people think. I know people that have actively turned their eggs and the hatchlings were perfectly fine. Always best to avoid it, just in case, but you shouldn't have any problems.