Pics from the wild

Kai V.

Hy folks,

I'll hold a lecture on the next international geckomeeting and for this i need some pics of animals and habitats in the wild. It will be perfect with exact localities.

Maybe someone is interested to help me. I'll put the name and websites or whatever from you on every pic.

Thanks a lot for every post.

Kind regards Kai


New member
Hello Kai, wish we could help you, but i'm afraid we can't...

Do you only need pics of cat gecko's and their natural habitats or other species too?

When and where will this symposium be held, and will the lectures be in English?
Would be great to attend that meeting. :)


Kai V.

Hy Tamara,

thanks for your help. At the moment i only need pics of cat geckos.

It's the international geckomeeting in Germany, so i hold it in German ;).
I think my English isn't good enough ;).

Regards Kai


New member
Ah okay, my German could use a little upgrading but i think we might attend anyway.

For what it's worth, if i am able to understand it, your English is not that bad. ;)
