Devastated Mouldy Eggs


New member
I am Devastated, i had 2 Crested Gecko eggs that were laid nearly 3 weeks ago, both looked fine, put them in the incubator one looked yellow and was told just to incubate it just incase, and the other looked like it was def fertile, well i have checked today and they had fur on them Incubated at 73f with humidty of around 80% needless to say they are no good


Super Moderator
mold does not necessarily mean the eggs are rotten. how bad is it?

also, please do a search on here for "moldy eggs"; this comes up pretty often and you can find advice about how to go forward if it's not too late.


New member
Theywere laid on 22nd August this is her first clutch, it was just say white fur on them, i have gently wiped it off and when candled the egg it looks black at one end, I could try taking a picture if that would help