Loss of Pigmentation on Tail. WHY?

FK Geckos

New member
Hi guys,

Just wondering if someone could help me out? I have recently acquired a small group of CB14 Cats and one of them seems to be losing all the colour out of the tip of it's tail. It started out looking like a tiny amount of unshed skin but as the days have passed it has become more and more obvious this is not the case. The tip, maybe 5mm, has now turned completely white. I really don't have a clue what it could be or whether this is a normal/common thing for cats as I have no previous experience with this species.

INFO ON HOW I KEEP THEM - Temperatures are set for a low of 18C(64F); high of 24C(75F) and a hot spot up around 28C(82F) during the day and low of 16C(61F); high of 20C(68F) and hot spot of 24C(75F) at night. I have the mister giving more humidity at the back with a range of 60% humidity at the front of the vivarium and up to 90% at the back. They are on a varied diet which includes crickets, locust, roaches, moths, fruit flies, a host of worm/larvae species and many more. I offer UV lighting 10hrs a day and offer more than enough shade to get out of it's way.

I will get photos up when I get home and in the meantime any help, suggestions or pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Riverside Reptiles

Administrator (HMFIC)
Most felinus have white tail tips when they're young and it slowly diminishes as they get older.
Perhaps this one had stuck shed over the white, and then when the shed came off, it appeared to have lost it's pigment?

FK Geckos

New member
I didn't know about them having white tips. It just seems strange how it never came with it's tail like that and then it slowly turned more and more white. Anyways, the colour has come through again, still some white but not solid, which really confuses me.

Here is the little guy/gal in question.

After going back into his vivarium he decided this was a good sleeping spot.

FK Geckos

New member
I did try to reply with photos but they have to be moderated and as that was a few days ago I thought it best to reply again.

I didn't know this[having white tail tips] about young cat geckos, so thanks for pointing that out. It's just strange how there was no sign of this when the geckos arrived. It started a few days after I had them and this led me to believe I was doing/there was something wrong with them or the environment they were in. Since starting the thread the brown pigment has started coming through again, but this was definitely not a shedding incident/ problem.