Feeding MRP to insects as a chow?


New member
So I'm always looking for new and convenient ways to provide variety to my insects' diet to benefit my leopard gecko. I regularly use Bug Burger and Dinofuel Raptor Edition as chows and occasionally I use Cricket Crack as a gutload. I also throw in veggies like dandelion greens, turnip greens, and squashes. I had the idea to try offering Pangea Complete Gecko Diet to them as a chow sometimes as well to add some more variety. I also thought that the Dubia would especially like it because it's sweet. I looked around and couldn't find any mentions of people feeding a MRP to their insects. I'd just like to get some opinions and see if this is possibly a good idea. Or even if it's a horrible idea lol. I provided a link listing the ingredients. Thank you!

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New member
I personally gut load m'y crickets with cabbage, carrots (long before) and thén dry flood (good fishfood,cricket food )
I Also give Water in a gel state apparently with calcium in it :)
There is lot of différent ways to feed thème, ils Also good to vary theire diet to Provide different vitamine intake for thé gecko


New member
Thank you for the response! I agree variety is best for adequate nutrition. I've tried a variety of greens, but I've never tried cabbage before. I'll check out the nutrients and give it a try:)


New member
Anything in the brassica (cabbage, collards, kale, broccoli etc.) family of food is good to feed insects. I'm currently growing kale and collards, although my dubia's did not care too much for the collards so I might try kale next.