Hey, everyone. Thankfully, there's no urgent situation this time. I just want some opinions about Lore's (my female) feeding schedule and if I should cut back. But first, some info!
Basic Information
Species of lizard: leopard gecko
Gecko's name: Lore
Morph: Hypo Tangerine Carrot Tail
Gender: Female
Age: unknown
Weight: 50 grams (as of 12-16-2015)
Enclosure: 20 gallon tank
Substrate provided: Repticarpet
Thermometer: Craftsman 500 digital thermometer
ground temperature in warm dry hide: 93-95 F
air temperature on warm end ~4 inches above the ground: 85 F
air temperature on cool end ~4 inches above the ground: 75 F
UTH: Flukers 11x11 under tank heater on a vivosun thermostat
Insects and worms, list type: mealworms and phoenix worms
Regular gutload diet fed to the worms: Zoo Med Adult Natural Bearded Dragon Food and Flukers Calcium fortified Cricket Quencher, Phoenix Worms not fed anything as per care instructions
How often do you feed your gecko? Every day
Supplements: Zoo med reptical with D3 (given once a week on a biweekly basis), Herp-cal Calcium without D3 or phosphorous (in a lightly dusted dish, available in tank at all times), Zoo med reptivitamin (given once a week on a biweekly basis)
If your gecko is sick, please describe the signs and how long your gecko has been showing these signs: I don’t think she’s sick, but I think she might be getting a touch overweight
Additional Information
Gecko's total length: 7.5 inches
Length of your reptile when you first acquired it: 6.5 inches
Source (pet store, breeder, previous owner): Petsmart
Captive bred or wild caught: captive bred
Ventilation space for your UTH by elevating the tank above the shelf (some UTHs come with sticky feet for the tank corners): yes
Are you using a thermostat(s)? Yes, vivosun thermostat
Which hide does she/he spend most of her time? Equally spread between warm and cold; only uses moist hide for sheds
Is the temperature decreased at night? I don’t decrease the UTH’s heat, but the ambient air temp does decrease by about 2-3 degrees at night
Is the humidity measured? Yes
Humidity range: I live in Florida, so it’s always 70% or higher outside and 40%-60% in the tank (rain depending)
Please list any recent additions/changes in the diet: Phoenix Worms about a month ago
General Health
Is your gecko’s general activity level normal, decreased, or increased? Normal
Is your gecko’s appetite normal, decreased, or increased? Decreased
Have you noticed any of the following?
Weight (loss or gain): Steady gain of about 3-4 grams a week
Discharge from the eyes or nose: no
Increased breathing rate or effort: no
Change in the droppings: no
---white or yellowish: white
---size of urates as compared to size of feces: quarter to half
Abnormal skin color or shedding: Normal Skin and no issues shedding
Parasites on the skin or in the feces: none
Weakness: none
Regurgitation: none
Previous problems and/or illnesses: None
Other Critters in Same Cage or in Household
List other animals that are kept in the same cage: none
Recent acquisitions (new pets within the past 6 months): none
Are any of your other pets ill? No
Ok, so I've noticed her tail getting to be quite chunky as of late (earning her the affectionate nickname "fluff-butt" from my mom), and I'm wondering if maybe she's at the point where I should start feeding every other day. She normally gets 20 gutloaded mealworms some days of the week, and other days she gets 10 gutloaded mealworms and 10 Phoenix worms. (I'm still getting parental consent for a discoid roach colony, root for me on that front!). I dust one time a week with the Zoo Med Reptical with D3, and then the next week I dust one time a week with the Zoo Med Reptivite (thanks again, [MENTION=56287]JessJohnson87[/MENTION]).
Here's a few pics of her, so you all can judge. Like I said previously, she's ~7.5 inches long and at ~50 grams. The first one is her in "flat mode" as I call it (when she's absorbing heat), the second and third ones are close-ups of her legs, the fourth one is her mid-turnaround, and the last one is her judging me for taking pics of her with the flash on (hence that evil glare). Please let me know what you all think!
Basic Information
Species of lizard: leopard gecko
Gecko's name: Lore
Morph: Hypo Tangerine Carrot Tail
Gender: Female
Age: unknown
Weight: 50 grams (as of 12-16-2015)
Enclosure: 20 gallon tank
Substrate provided: Repticarpet
Thermometer: Craftsman 500 digital thermometer
ground temperature in warm dry hide: 93-95 F
air temperature on warm end ~4 inches above the ground: 85 F
air temperature on cool end ~4 inches above the ground: 75 F
UTH: Flukers 11x11 under tank heater on a vivosun thermostat
Insects and worms, list type: mealworms and phoenix worms
Regular gutload diet fed to the worms: Zoo Med Adult Natural Bearded Dragon Food and Flukers Calcium fortified Cricket Quencher, Phoenix Worms not fed anything as per care instructions
How often do you feed your gecko? Every day
Supplements: Zoo med reptical with D3 (given once a week on a biweekly basis), Herp-cal Calcium without D3 or phosphorous (in a lightly dusted dish, available in tank at all times), Zoo med reptivitamin (given once a week on a biweekly basis)
If your gecko is sick, please describe the signs and how long your gecko has been showing these signs: I don’t think she’s sick, but I think she might be getting a touch overweight
Additional Information
Gecko's total length: 7.5 inches
Length of your reptile when you first acquired it: 6.5 inches
Source (pet store, breeder, previous owner): Petsmart
Captive bred or wild caught: captive bred
Ventilation space for your UTH by elevating the tank above the shelf (some UTHs come with sticky feet for the tank corners): yes
Are you using a thermostat(s)? Yes, vivosun thermostat
Which hide does she/he spend most of her time? Equally spread between warm and cold; only uses moist hide for sheds
Is the temperature decreased at night? I don’t decrease the UTH’s heat, but the ambient air temp does decrease by about 2-3 degrees at night
Is the humidity measured? Yes
Humidity range: I live in Florida, so it’s always 70% or higher outside and 40%-60% in the tank (rain depending)
Please list any recent additions/changes in the diet: Phoenix Worms about a month ago
General Health
Is your gecko’s general activity level normal, decreased, or increased? Normal
Is your gecko’s appetite normal, decreased, or increased? Decreased
Have you noticed any of the following?
Weight (loss or gain): Steady gain of about 3-4 grams a week
Discharge from the eyes or nose: no
Increased breathing rate or effort: no
Change in the droppings: no
---white or yellowish: white
---size of urates as compared to size of feces: quarter to half
Abnormal skin color or shedding: Normal Skin and no issues shedding
Parasites on the skin or in the feces: none
Weakness: none
Regurgitation: none
Previous problems and/or illnesses: None
Other Critters in Same Cage or in Household
List other animals that are kept in the same cage: none
Recent acquisitions (new pets within the past 6 months): none
Are any of your other pets ill? No
Ok, so I've noticed her tail getting to be quite chunky as of late (earning her the affectionate nickname "fluff-butt" from my mom), and I'm wondering if maybe she's at the point where I should start feeding every other day. She normally gets 20 gutloaded mealworms some days of the week, and other days she gets 10 gutloaded mealworms and 10 Phoenix worms. (I'm still getting parental consent for a discoid roach colony, root for me on that front!). I dust one time a week with the Zoo Med Reptical with D3, and then the next week I dust one time a week with the Zoo Med Reptivite (thanks again, [MENTION=56287]JessJohnson87[/MENTION]).
Here's a few pics of her, so you all can judge. Like I said previously, she's ~7.5 inches long and at ~50 grams. The first one is her in "flat mode" as I call it (when she's absorbing heat), the second and third ones are close-ups of her legs, the fourth one is her mid-turnaround, and the last one is her judging me for taking pics of her with the flash on (hence that evil glare). Please let me know what you all think!