Getting rid of unwanted food


New member
So this is kind of odd but I'm curious as to how to get rid of it. Basically, I bought super worms for my gecko and she refuses to even touch them(I've tried several times and they usually end up nibbling on her) and I don't know anyone else who has a reptile whose willing to take them off of my hands. I know you're not supposed to release them because that's how you mess up ecosystems. If my gecko isn't eating them I don't want to keep them around.


New member
I would put them in a container and let the birds have them. If it's cold where you live, they will not survive the temperatures, you can also freeze them. I had to freeze some of my male roaches because I had too many and they were starting to fight each other, I placed the roachsicles outside for the critters to eat.


New member
I heard that some ppl cut off the heads of superworms because of them biting the geckos while trying to eat. That might work for your leo if you wanted to try it? I haven't tried superworms with my girl yet, as I am undecided. :?