Hey guys I'm new here and I just wanted to ask some questions. So i got my leopard gecko this past saturday from a breeder, my first leo, and today when changing his water I didn't notice he was under his ceramic log hide so he just stood still and I just waited for him to move into his temple hide before I changed the water so I wouldn't spook him. So as he slowly moved I noticed his legs kind of trembling not much and not with every step but there was still a tremble. Last night he was moving around everywhere perfectly fine without a problem even climbing all his hides and such so I just wanted to ask if the trembling could have been because he was scared to move since I was right there? Or is this something I should be worried about? He hasn't eaten since I got him and I don't expect him to yet since he has only been here for 3 days but I have seen him lick his pure calcium bowl numerous times.