Mourning Geckos


New member
Hey all,

I'm brand new to the forum. I'm currently keeping 0.2 Mourning Geckos and 0.0.4 L. williamsi. I have a question about two gravid mourning geckos.

My experience is mainly with poison dart frogs and a single chameleon I used to have, so I'm not quite up to speed on the current practices of mourning gecko egg incubation. I've searched across Google and figured I'd ask the experts here on the forum.

The question: assuming I can remove the eggs and they don't end up glued to the viv, what is the temperature range I should be shooting for? Additionally, I know that williamsi eggs tend to enjoy humidity but don't do as well when there's contact moisture. Is this a general rule of thumb for gecko eggs or species specific?

Thanks in advance to all of you for any insights you have!20170610_155116.jpg

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
Hello! A warm welcome to Geckos Unlimited.

Mourning geckos stick their eggs to something solid like the rim of the enclosure. If you try to move the eggs, they will crack. Other options for eggs are short bamboo tubes that can be removed. I sometimes use a 12 inch plastic cone that once contained thick yarn for gift wrapping.

Keep their eggs at room temps of about 70-75"F. They should hatch in about 60 days. The hatchlings measure 1 inch and 3/8 inch. The moms are cannibals. They will eat their young. :(


Food & Feeding:
Shake crickets (1/4", up to 1/2"), vestigial-winged Drosophila, and other live food with Rep-Cal's phosphorus-free, ultrafine calcium with vitamin D3 powder and/or Miner-all "I" powder. As an additional calcium supplement, you can also feed these geckos shaved cuttle bone. Lepidodactylus lugubris will eat cuttle bone directly from a plastic lid. As a second natural calcium supplement, be sure to "recycle" the empty eggs after the young have hatched.

Instead of Rep-Cal's Calcium with D3 and Miner-all I now use Zoo Med's Repti Calcium with D3, Zoo Med's Reptivite multivitamins without D3, precipitated calcium carbonate without D3, and shaved cuttlebone.
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