Mealworm in vivarium??


New member
Hi I'm new to Geckos Unlimited so I'm not really sure how this works but I have a crested gecko and as a treat I gave him some mealworms and I accidentally dropped one in his tank and now I can't find it going to turn into a beetle?! I don't keep any CGD on the paper towel substrate, there's only a water bowl. But I'm really hoping it will die before it turns into a beetle because if my mom finds a beetle in the tank she won't let me get another reptile and she might make me get rid of Stevie (my gecko)!! What will happen? Thanks so much!


New member

I wouldn't feed too many mealworms, they can be difficult to digest. Crickets or dubia are a bit better. Although I have heard of people having success with them. To be safe I would only feed the freshly molted white ones.

The mealworm, depending on the size and if it finds food will either;
•Die as a mealworm
•Pupate and die as a pupa
•Transform into a beatle until you find it alive or dead due to lack of food

Why would your mom want you to get rid of Stevie due to the beatle? Regardless, you should just try to find the worm, it shouldn't be too hard, you can remove everything from the tank and even give everything a good clean as you would normally when you clean his habitat, so you don't take everything out for nothing. As you clean, replace and check the paper towels, leaves, the tank, etc. It shouldn't be hard to find. If you cannot find it, maybe the gecko caught it!

In all honesty it isn't a big deal, the worms and beatles don't do too well without food and they should die soon. If not then it won't hurt you or the gecko. You could try explaining this to your mom, but hopefully you find it.
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New member
Oh thank you! Well my mom has this thing about bugs and she hardly let me get any mealworms, so she especially won't let me get any dubia roaches and there were too many crickets in one container so that would've just been a waste. And she really hates beetles so if she found one in the tank she would freak out and wouldn't be a good situation. Thank you though!


New member
For crickets, if you go to Petco or Petsmart you should be able to specifically ask for a certain amount of crickets, they will be fresher than those in the containers and you can get specific amounts. You can probably ask for 2-3.

Since feeding insects seems to be an issue, make sure you attempt to get multiple flavors of your CGD to provide variety.

Good luck!


New member
Yeah I think next time I'll go to PetSmart. The only thing is Petco is the only place that sells Repashy and they only sell Crested Gecko and Calcium Plus. And they don't sell Pangea so I have to order any other flavors. However in the case we do order some other flavor what would you recommend?


New member
Yeah I think next time I'll go to PetSmart. The only thing is Petco is the only place that sells Repashy and they only sell Crested Gecko and Calcium Plus. And they don't sell Pangea so I have to order any other flavors. However in the case we do order some other flavor what would you recommend?

The foods are available on Amazon, I haven't seen any store have Pangea yet. As a side note, Repashy's caclium plus is good to dust on any insects that you feed to your cresties.

For ordering other flavors, all cresties like something different, but I would definately reccomend;
Pangea Fruit Mix with Insects
WaterMelon/Mango Pangea Fruit Mix
Pangea Banana/Papaya Fruit Mix

Keep in mind, their are other flavors to be found on Pangea's website but I would position these at the top, although not all Cresties will like them, they too have favorites! :)

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
Yeah I think next time I'll go to PetSmart. The only thing is Petco is the only place that sells Repashy and they only sell Crested Gecko and Calcium Plus. And they don't sell Pangea so I have to order any other flavors. However in the case we do order some other flavor what would you recommend?

My crestie and mourning geckos eat the 3 diets PoppyDear recommends. I haven't tasted them. :coverlaugh:

The Reptile Supply Company carries many Pangea MRPs: Search - Reptile Supply Company

/\ As far as I know the RSC offers a 1 year FREE trial membership.

Another good source of Pangea powdered diets are reptile shows. Sometimes several vendors carry these.