Gecko Time: Plague House - a Breeder’s Nightmare


New member
Oh Aliza,

I am extremely sorry about your geckos, this was hard to read and not cry. You were and are a huge inspiration to me and one of the reasons I am in this hobby today and striving to help others here.

I am glad you chose to share this. Crypto seems like one of those hidden things not many discuss. I truly do wish there was more research done on it to help dedicated keepers such as you. I hope you stay strong throughout these hard days and know many people are here to to support you. Thank you Aliza.


Active member
Yes, it's pretty bad but at least, as I wrote, nearly all the geckos are in good health at the moment. If I can get people to acknowledge crypto at least I will have done some good.


Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
Yes, it's pretty bad but at least, as I wrote, nearly all the geckos are in good health at the moment. If I can get people to acknowledge crypto at least I will have done some good.


You mention it's been about 5 years since you've noticed any articles.

Once a gecko tests positive, how long before Crypto takes its toll?


Active member
From the reading I've been doing, I think it's possible for a gecko to be subclinical in symptoms for quite awhile. It seems to me somewhat like having a cat who's FIV positive. It could be years before it causes a problem, and stress can trigger it. It seems that with the fat tails, egg laying started their downward slide, though all my leopard geckos that laid eggs this season are doing well, so who knows.
