New member
Hello! I bought my first crested gecko two days ago, but s/he was a lot younger than I was planning on (only 3 months!), so I had to do some last minate DIY-ing. I stopped by dollar tree on my way home from the show and got the following supplies:
6qt Shoebox Tub
Mesh Screen
Little Cup Thingie For A Hide™
Things I already had:
Wood Burner
Leaf Decor
Bottle Caps
Paper Towels
Xacto Knife
Hot Glue Gun
So, here's how I did it!
I started with an empty tub and marked out my holes for ventilation. Then I made a hole with the wood burner for each of the holes, but going from the inside so it was smooth (Do this outside so you don't breath in the fumes!). Then I marked a rectangle on the lid, and cut it out with an Xacto knife. I then hot glued the screen to the hole on the lid. Now the tub itself was done!
As for the inside...
I cut a hole in the Little Cup Thingie For A Hide™ and used it for, well, a hide. Then I cut bamboo sticks to size and wraped them together with some string. (I hot glued the ends just to sure it doesn't unravel) Then I cut some extra leaves from one of my snakes tanks and washed it really well to put in there. Then I just used some paper towel for the bottom, and bottle caps for dishes!
That's really all! This was a really easy setup, and I keep him on a shelf where it stays mid-70's, so no heat source required! Thanks for reading!
6qt Shoebox Tub
Mesh Screen
Little Cup Thingie For A Hide™
Things I already had:
Wood Burner
Leaf Decor
Bottle Caps
Paper Towels
Xacto Knife
Hot Glue Gun
So, here's how I did it!
I started with an empty tub and marked out my holes for ventilation. Then I made a hole with the wood burner for each of the holes, but going from the inside so it was smooth (Do this outside so you don't breath in the fumes!). Then I marked a rectangle on the lid, and cut it out with an Xacto knife. I then hot glued the screen to the hole on the lid. Now the tub itself was done!
As for the inside...
I cut a hole in the Little Cup Thingie For A Hide™ and used it for, well, a hide. Then I cut bamboo sticks to size and wraped them together with some string. (I hot glued the ends just to sure it doesn't unravel) Then I cut some extra leaves from one of my snakes tanks and washed it really well to put in there. Then I just used some paper towel for the bottom, and bottle caps for dishes!
That's really all! This was a really easy setup, and I keep him on a shelf where it stays mid-70's, so no heat source required! Thanks for reading!