Diy bearded dragon cage?


New member
3 years we have been living Bearded Dragon. This happiness settled with us quite unexpectedly - they wanted to have a chameleon. But when adults saw in the store at the exhibition, the choice of reptile became obvious. This is a moving lizard, which is actively interested in the outside world outside the terrarium, loves to look out the window). We feed the lizards with live food, which we buy at the pet store. At first, the insects were very unpleasant neighbors, each time it was scary to feed. But after 3 years, you just get used to these ****roaches and worms and they already seem cute))) Be sure to include plant food in the diet.

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
3 years we have been living Bearded Dragon. This happiness settled with us quite unexpectedly - they wanted to have a chameleon. But when adults saw in the store at the exhibition, the choice of reptile became obvious. This is a moving lizard, which is actively interested in the outside world outside the terrarium, loves to look out the window). We feed the lizards with live food, which we buy at the pet store. At first, the insects were very unpleasant neighbors, each time it was scary to feed. But after 3 years, you just get used to these ****roaches and worms and they already seem cute))) Be sure to include plant food in the diet.
Peter ~

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