

New member
Anyon willing to make me a cartoon avatar? I will be sure to put your username in my signature if you do.....

3DA8D57B-154A-49EF-B15A-B8D7C74BC55B.jpg something resembling this pose with my gecko
567021D4-F6A0-4368-B19C-EB76E0CE0B40.jpg this is a broader spectrum of what he looks like

Much thanks!;-)


New member
I haven’t been in a forum in so long I forget what it’s like but people used to make each other all kinds of banners and stuff so idk if that’s a thing anymore or not lol :D


Super Moderator
eh, it all depends on whether a graphic artist that doesn't mind working for free sees the post and feels like helping, lol.


New member
I was going to see if I could use a cartoon app on my phone, just for grins (I am not a grapic artist!). But when you click on the first pic that you posted, it's a little bit blurry, and that's affecting the result. Can you get a clearer close-up face shot?


New member
Thanks guys lol I’ve decided just to leave my avatar as is for now maybe I can come up with something myself later on! :)