G. Kuroiwae respiratory infection


New member
I recently got 5 cave geckos, 0.2 G. Hainanensis and 0.3 G. Kuroiwae. One of the Kuroiwae (nicknames K2) was 4g as of 8/18/19, but is now 3g as of 9/5/19. She also has an RI, but I do not know the extent of it. I will be taking her to an exotics reptile vet but I don’t know if he will know anything about cave geckos, let alone Kuroiwae. Any advice is appreciated on how to treat RI’s in cave geckos, as any search results for similar climate geckos such as cresties come up with nothing. I will also try to attach a picture of her and her mucus that came out while she was drinking.

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
Hi ~

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Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
Goniurosaurus kuroiwae are endemic to the islands of Okinawa, Kouri-Shima and Sesoko. The southern variety was only found on Okinawa.
  1. Thanks to Tamara! For Goniurosaurus kuroiwae specifically click: goniurosaurus orientalis toyamai yamashinae kuroiwae splendens hainanensis lichtenfelderi luii araneus catbanensis bawalingensis huuliensis
  2. For Keeping and raising of Goniurosaurus click: goniurosaurus orientalis toyamai yamashinae kuroiwae splendens hainanensis lichtenfelderi luii araneus catbanensis bawalingensis huuliensis
  3. For Scientific facts of Goniurosaurus species click: goniurosaurus orientalis toyamai yamashinae kuroiwae splendens hainanensis lichtenfelderi luii araneus catbanensis bawalingensis huuliensis
Goniurosaurus hainanensis are endemic to the island Hainan, China.
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