Is my gargoyle gecko injured?


New member
I went to feed her a dubia with rubber tipped tongs. She grabbed the tongs and wouldn't let go. It is normal for her to grab an insect and wait until I leave the room to eat it, but I couldn't leave because the tongs were half way out the door and I couldn't close it.

I was able to wiggle them free but the dubia got away as well, and then I noticed her lip had a small dip in it where the tongs were. She was able to open her mouth to lick her nose, but I am a little worried about her jaw. She wasn't bleeding at all which is a good sign.

I wasn't able to get a picture so I did a quick sketch to show what I mean about her lip...



Active member
It's hard to know without actually seeing a real picture. However, one of my leopard geckos broke her jaw after biting a rock, I think. I took her to the vet who recommended letting it heal on its own and he was right.



New member
It's hard to know without actually seeing a real picture. However, one of my leopard geckos broke her jaw after biting a rock, I think. I took her to the vet who recommended letting it heal on its own and he was right.


I went to go try and take a picture this morning and she looked better and had even eaten her pangea. I think I got lucky this time and she managed to feel better overnight. From now on I'll try bowl feeding her and see if that helps with her. I just remember seeing a photo of a gecko that broke its jaw chasing food and I've been paranoid since then!

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
I went to go try and take a picture this morning and she looked better and had even eaten her pangea. I think I got lucky this time and she managed to feel better overnight. From now on I'll try bowl feeding her and see if that helps with her. I just remember seeing a photo of a gecko that broke its jaw chasing food and I've been paranoid since then!

I'm happy your garg looked better this morning. :)

For many of my geckos I use these 8 ounce clear glass bowls for feeding dishes. They are made by Anchor. My local Walmart carries them in 4-packs. Bowl feeding makes it easy to monitor your geckos' appetites.

If you amputate a cricket's back legs right below their knees, the cricket can still move around, but NOT escape from the bowl.



New member
The glass bowls work well. I use white ramekins about the same size, as it seems my geckos can see the dark bugs in the white bowls easier.