Leachianus Habits?


New member
I'm thinking about getting a Leachianus for my next gecko and I was wondering how they poop? Do they generally just poop on the glass like crested geckos and are they hard to clean up? I own leopard geckos and I love how easy it is to clean their mess from their tile substrates. Can any Leachianus owners let me know of their habits that I should be aware of?


Active member
They poop like crested geckos which means sometimes it will be on the glass and sometimes on the floor of the enclosure. Leachies also can be cage defensive, meaning that they may try to bite if you get your hand near them when they're in their cage but are docile once you get them out of the cage.



Super Moderator
it's not usually going to be solid little turds like a rodent if your gecko is well-hydrated. it's just as she said, it's like crested gecko poop. there's just more of it because the gecko is bigger.


New member
I thought about getting one too. They're really cool looking critters. And they're really expensive. But the cage aggression put me off, as they can give a pretty nasty bite, even if it is only inside the cage. I opted for my Cuban False Chameleon because he's larger than a crestie or a garg, docile, diurnal, and is happy with dubias, superworms, and CGD - all of which was what I was looking for. :) (And the poop is about the same as a crestie. That's nice too.)
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Active member
To each his or her own. I got Igor (still "Igor" even after she laid some eggs. Boy, was I surprised) for $300 when she was only 7 grams. She does let me hold her when I can get her out of the cage (she's not always defensive). I've had her for about 8 years now.
