TSD on fimbriatus?

Jan OoO

New member
Hi Guys,

how do you incubate your fimbriatus to get females? I incubate 25°C at day and 20°C at night, in my first Season now I got 6 males from 6 hatchlings?

Is there a temperature based sex Determination on fimbriatus?

Best regards, Jan


Super Moderator
we haven't had a lot of uroplatus activity here in some time. did you try the search function, though?


New member
Yeah you know I had the same question and I have not found any information on this. I'm totally new to fims but all I can think of is to try raising your nightly temperature drop to at least 72-73 degrees F because in the Summer the temperature on the East coast of Madagascar has an average low of 72-73 degrees F.... Hope that helps