Plugged nasolacrimal duct


New member
My false chameleon has had a bulging eye for quite some time. It hasn't affected him as far as activity or eating, but I would think it would be uncomfortable. I took him to an exotics vet that I trust, and she gave him a good checkup and did an eye flush, and said it appeared he has a nasolacrimal duct that is plugged on the right side. We tried antibiotic drops for two weeks, and that has not helped. We tried to find anti-inflammatories, but none of the pharmacies around here carried what she wanted to prescribe. Next step was going to be a cytology swab, but we decided to try the antibiotics first.

I am wondering if anyone else has had any experience with a plugged duct in any of your lizards, and what worked for you if you got it resolved. The vet will be calling me back next week for an update, and I really haven't seen any improvement so far.


Super Moderator
what's plugging it? is it an infection? if not antibiotics won't help. is it stuck shed, salt crusties, or dried mucus? if so more gentle soaking and flushing should help.

is there any way to post a nice clear close-up shot?


New member
We don't know what's plugging it. There doesn't seem to be any infection, doesn't seem clogged from the outside that we can see. The nostril looks fine from the outside. But when we flush, not much fluid goes through, as it does on the left side. He's still breathing through his nose without opening his mouth. I can try to get a close up picture later tonight.


New member
2nd try...The first picture clearly shows the difference in eye size. Yes, the eyes work independently, but his right eye is quite a bit bigger than the left.

20_02-10TBD1.jpg 20_02-10TBD3.jpg 20_02-10TBD5.jpg


Super Moderator
ah yeah, that's quite noticeable. I hope the vet can help you resolve it, and it's not a tumor.