Some of my Bioactive Builds


New member
Here are some of my bioactive builds:

Luna, R. auriculatus
Leia, M. chahoua
Beaker, E. agricolae
Diesel, R. leachianus
Ziggy, E. macularius

I have to give props to the reptile group, Reptiles and Amphibians Bioactive Setups for helping me along the way throughout the years.
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New member
Hey! These are great. I'm wondering, with your experience, the little insects that you have to put into bioactive vivariums... do you think they are compulsory? Do you think I could upkeep a bioactive vivarium without the little bugs that go into the substrate? I know their benefits it's just my viv is in my room and free to run around insects kind of creep me out! Any help is appreciated :)


Staff member
Hey! These are great. I'm wondering, with your experience, the little insects that you have to put into bioactive vivariums... do you think they are compulsory? Do you think I could upkeep a bioactive vivarium without the little bugs that go into the substrate? I know their benefits it's just my viv is in my room and free to run around insects kind of creep me out! Any help is appreciated :)

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