Hello all! I'm new to this forum and was wondering if some of you could shed a little light on my flyers recent behavioral change. He was estimated at 9m of age by the seller at the Expo I aquired him at 2 months ago. He is my 1st gecko. Ive owned snakes and anoles in the past. Last 2 months he's been great. Great appetite, healthy excretions, gained some weight, no mites seen and he hasn't bitten me during cage cleanings/ change outs! However, starting 2 days ago, he started getting rambunctious. Idk if he's got spring fever or what, but he's chirping up a storm and jumping all over his enclosure. He's even tapping his nose against the glass. Im afraid he's going to injure himself. He's slso less interested in his food. I've scoured the internet and forums for clues and either havent found any or havent dug far enough. Is anyone able to help?