Flying Gecko spring crazy?


New member
Hello all! I'm new to this forum and was wondering if some of you could shed a little light on my flyers recent behavioral change. He was estimated at 9m of age by the seller at the Expo I aquired him at 2 months ago. He is my 1st gecko. Ive owned snakes and anoles in the past. Last 2 months he's been great. Great appetite, healthy excretions, gained some weight, no mites seen and he hasn't bitten me during cage cleanings/ change outs! However, starting 2 days ago, he started getting rambunctious. Idk if he's got spring fever or what, but he's chirping up a storm and jumping all over his enclosure. He's even tapping his nose against the glass. Im afraid he's going to injure himself. He's slso less interested in his food. I've scoured the internet and forums for clues and either havent found any or havent dug far enough. Is anyone able to help?

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
Welcome aboard!

Have you checked his enclosure temps lately?

I've kept 1 female flier since 2003 --- nearly 17 years. She hatched on 25 June 2003. I've never heard her chirp.


New member
Thank you for the reaponse! He has a timed basking light that gets to 90 on one spot in his enclosure while the other side is about 75. During night it may drop to 70. I live in mid NY so I make sure my room stays at least 70. Humidity i try to keep between 65-80. Can be a bit hard to keep up with our shifting temps recently here admittedly.


New member
UPDATE: My flyer's behavior has normalized. As for the cause of it, I think it may have been a hidden cricket. I decided to do a total clean out to make sure I hadn't overlooked anything, and found a larger than I typically feed cricket had found a nice little cave to hide. It was in a spot I couldn't see between some plants and my boy's fave hiding tree. Judging by the molting i found there, it was a feeder he had missed. He is still a bit more active, but chirping and restlessness are gone. Def feel foolish for thinking it was spring fever :(

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
UPDATE: My flyer's behavior has normalized. As for the cause of it, I think it may have been a hidden cricket. I decided to do a total clean out to make sure I hadn't overlooked anything, and found a larger than I typically feed cricket had found a nice little cave to hide. It was in a spot I couldn't see between some plants and my boy's fave hiding tree. Judging by the molting i found there, it was a feeder he had missed. He is still a bit more active, but chirping and restlessness are gone. Def feel foolish for thinking it was spring fever :(

Many thanks for sharing this update!