Egg dented for a few days, pair egg hatched


New member
Hey folks,

I've had an egg pair incubating since April 26th. One of the eggs hatched on June 11th, but the other egg has yet to hatch. It is fertile and candling proves a developed hatchling. A few days ago this egg started to dent (I assumed the hatchling was absorbing the yoke and was about to hatch), but it has yet to hatch. It's been about 6 days since the pair egg hatched, and this egg is beginning to display pink spot on the outside.

Has anybody else run into a similar situation? How long after the egg begins to dent does it typically take for a leo to hatch? Any thoughts on the pink spots?

Many thanks!

*Edit June 18th - Unfortunately the egg began to mold and had to be tossed. Upon checking inside, there was a fully formed hatchling but sadly the little gal/guy didn't make it out
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Active member
Sometimes it just takes a while, though 6 days is getting up there. Sometimes the gecko has developed but isn't healthy enough to hatch on its own. I remember once many years ago when I was breeding leopard geckos I checked the incubator and there was a live hatchling running around and 2 dead ones just out of the egg. That didn't happen very often but it does occur and it's a good reason actually to not cut the egg open and end up with weak stock with health problems. Eventually either the egg will hatch or it will get moldy and collapse.



New member
Thanks for the tip Aliza, I was considering manually opening the egg but that may be a good reason not to. Well if that egg fails, 50% of the clutch isn't bad for her first hatchlings. The other one seems to be thriving thankfully