Leopard Gecko Egg Help


New member
I’ve got 2 eggs which are 43 days old now. I noticed last night what seems to be stretch marks and a small dent on the egg, I am just wondering if this means the egg is ready to hatch soon? Any help appreciated


Active member
What is your incubation temperature? If it's on the high side (above 85) it's likely that hatching will be soon.



New member
It’s on 86. I candled last night just to check on it because I’m new too it all lol. When I did get the egg out last night the dent disappeared. I woke up this morning and there is now 2 dents in the middle and on the side of the egg. I hope the egg is fine.

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
It’s on 86. I candled last night just to check on it because I’m new too it all lol. When I did get the egg out last night the dent disappeared. I woke up this morning and there is now 2 dents in the middle and on the side of the egg. I hope the egg is fine.

Are you ready for this hatchling, Ben?


Active member
I think you're still in the ballpark. Besides, there's nothing you can do. Either it will hatch or it won't. The hatchling will be OK, or it won't. During my 13 years of breeding geckos I learned an awful lot about patience and inevitability. Good luck!
