Hi! I have a female leopard gecko who successfully bred with my male leo. However, I see no development in eggs. It has been 3 weeks since their copulation, and there are 0 signs of eggs.
Another note, I bred them without my female showing no sign of ovulation (or maybe I just couldnt see them because of her fat belly lol), so I took a shot in the dark and bred them anyway. My female was very receptive anyway, and did not fight the male off in his multiple attempts in one night. To make sure of her pregnancy, I introduced the female again to the male leo after 2 days of first introduction and she was no longer receptive which I deemed that the first breeding session was a sure success.
After that, I thought she was pregnant and she would have layed eggs by now. However, upon checking her belly every week, I see no sign of eggs. Help please?
Another note, I bred them without my female showing no sign of ovulation (or maybe I just couldnt see them because of her fat belly lol), so I took a shot in the dark and bred them anyway. My female was very receptive anyway, and did not fight the male off in his multiple attempts in one night. To make sure of her pregnancy, I introduced the female again to the male leo after 2 days of first introduction and she was no longer receptive which I deemed that the first breeding session was a sure success.
After that, I thought she was pregnant and she would have layed eggs by now. However, upon checking her belly every week, I see no sign of eggs. Help please?