Eurydactylodes Agricolae Temperatures


New member
Hi! I'm new to keeping reptiles and I believe that eurydactylodes agricolae would be a perfect reptile to get. Given it's smaller size, and similar needs to a crested gecko. :) I do, however, have a few questions. Firstly, feeding. As I said I am new to reptiles and I haven't been able to find more than one care sheet that says the same thing. Every other day with crestie food, and occasionally feeder insects seems to be the general consensus.

Secondly, temperatures. Currently where I am it is winter, and the room in which I am keeping the tank in gets to about 65, absolute minimum. I have read somewhere that it is OK for temps to reach this low in winter, but I just wanted confirmation. The last thing I would want would be for my first gecko to get sick a few weeks after getting him :(

Lastly, ventilation. I've seen a lot about ventilation and that does worry that maybe my tank isn't ventialted enough. The front panes don't fog, and there is a screen top with vents below the door. It's a ZooMed 12x12x18.

Any other tips would be greatly appreciated! Thanks a bunch :)
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