Tokay Breeding


New member
Hello one and all...
I have recently found myself the proud owner of not 1, not 2 but 3 Tokay Gecko! 2 females and 1 male. They are currently housed together. My issue / question is towards breeding...
I have read that they can become a 1 on 1 and turn on another female or female can eat the others young.
Has this been a issue for anyone?
Should i seperate them or not?

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
Welcome to Geckos Unlimited!

  • What dimensions is their enclosure?
  • Are these tokays related?
  • Have you kept tokays in the past?


New member
1.5 ft x 2ft x 3.5 ft
I would post picture but noob posting in noob
They as i know of are not related. No one has attacked either yet (about a month) but i'm worried for breeding reasons...
Forgot... these are my first

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
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