Possibility to cohab with large vivarium?


New member
Hi all,
I am custom building a large bioactive vivarium for my crested gecko and I'm exploring options for other things to keep with her since it will be such a large enclosure. The enclosure will be 6 ft tall, 2 ft wide, and 2 ft deep. I was wondering if anyone has ever tried cohabbing a crested with eurydactylodes, specifically Vieillardis. I know cohabbing is a controversial topic, so I want to reassure people that this isn't something I'd be doing any time soon, I'm just curious to see the discussion and what has and hasn't worked for people. Thanks!


Active member
We do have these discussions periodically. I'm not sure that even that size viv is big enough for more than 1 species. Even so, I have a feeling that the Vieillardis will become dinner to the cresties. If I were thinking of a different species to put with cresties I'd consider a gargoyle gecko but make sure they're all female or you may get some hybridization. Here's a set of articles from a Gecko Time series we ran earlier about multiple species cohabitation:
