Ceramic gecko and flower


Active member
I've been making orchids at the ceramics studio. After a little research, I found out that Phelsuma ornata gets its nectar from a particular flower that has red, as opposed to clear nectar. Here's my P. ornata getting ready to snack on the nectar of the Nesocodon mauritanus flower (except it's upside down and everything I try to turn it around hasn't worked!):



Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
Have you tried this method to turn your image around?

(6) Images upside down or sideways? Here's the fix.
  • Go to the picture in your gallery, look to the bottom right, under "User Options" in the blue bar, you'll see "Edit Photo".
  • That takes you to the edit options. It will display a thumbnail of that picture, and the flip or rotate options are listed below it.
  • "Could this option not be available for mobile users? I am not seeing what you are speaking about."
  • Click on your photo when you get to that screen. It should go to the one with the options.
  • When you're done, save the changes.
  • For the actual thread click: http://www.geckosunlimited.com/community/n00b-central/83037-uploading-gallery.html#post472578


Active member
I don't seem to have a gallery (at least not listed in "Gallery"). I just added it when I did my post and I didn't see anything that says user options. It's not a big deal, you can imagine the gecko coming at the flower in a different plane.



Active member
Here's another, featuring L. williamsi (electric blue day gecko) and the flower where it gets nectar in the wild: Aerangis luteoalba:

