I have pair day gecko. male gecko is showing aggressive behavior


New member
I have a pair of day geckos. however, I saw a female day gecko with the tip of her tail ripped off. I saw aggression in the male day gecko where he bites the female. my cage is big enough to keep these two. but I intend to separate them for now until she heals back. but I saw some info that male day gecko might be aggressive towards mating. so any additional info on why he keeps doing that? should i separate them forever and put them together only for mating? any experts on their behaviors?


Active member
My understanding is that day geckos often don't do well together, even a male/female pair. Someone with more experience will hopefully chime in here as well.


Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
I'm interested in learning more about this too
Hi Darkling ~
Sometimes a male gecko gets aggressive towards a female when mating. Sometimes not.
It's vital the potential pair is compatible!
Sometimes a pairing just doesn't work.
When that happens, it's important to separate both individuals.

Please be more specific about your interests. This will help members reply.



New member
Thanks. I guess I'm so new to the information that although I've heard of issues with pairing the whole process just seems vague so I don't have any specific questions yet lol. Maybe if anyone knows any tricks to reduce the chances for aggression when introducing geckos to each other

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
When we put a male & female together the very first time, it's very important to be super-vigilant.
However, previously 'friendly' mates can suddenly turn on each other with disastrous results. :(
One sign of potential aggression = a male sitting on top of a female, even 'peaceably'.
Make sure each mate has been fed prior to their introduction, so at least their bellies are full.
Some folks closely monitor geckos mating & then house them separately. Others, (depending upon the species) introduce pairs at night.

Be sure to reach out to Julie Bergman for her feelings whether any Phelsuma could be kept long-term in pairs or trios. She's kept & bred many different gecko genuses & species