General Temperature Questions


New member
So lately I've been wanting to branch out to other geckos besides leopard geckos. There's a few kinds I've been thinking about, like crested geckos and cave geckos. However, I always hear that their ideal temperature is around 75ºF. I have an extra enclosure semi-set up with an Acurite digital thermometer that says the temperatures during the day get up to 75ºF, but my temperature gun says the surfaces of the enclosure is closer to 79.5ºF (no heat pads are being used yet). Then at night the air temps drop to 70ºF and the surface temps are around 73-74ºF.
Edit: My question is, do I need to focus on air temperatures or surface temperatures? Would these temps work for something like a cave gecko or a crested gecko, or does it get too hot? Also, do I need to bother with a heat pad at night?
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Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
Hello ~

For ground geckos like leopard geckos focus on ground/floor temps. For arboreal gecko like crested geckos focus on air temps.

Your temps, if air, are ideal for a crested gecko! With temps like these crested geckos do NOT require accessory heat. In addition to room temps similar to yours, I keep a low wattage incandescent bulb overhead in my crestie's enclosure to provide his day cycle: 25 watts in the cooler seasons and 15 watts during the summer.

Have you seen Aliza's/acpart's article?

Included in the Geckos Unlimited Care Sheets subforum you'll find a couple crested gecko care guides + one Goniurosaurus Care Sheet.
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New member
Thanks for sharing those links! I'm trying to do as much research as I can so that's really helpful. And its good to know those temps work, at least for a crested gecko. I just need to decide which gecko I want for sure but there's so many kinds of geckos out there its hard to choose! :D
By the way if for some reason the temps ever go above 80 degrees, what would be the best way to cool the enclosure down?


Active member
If those are your average air temps. Crested Geckos would be a good option. I know some people use a mister to cool down an enclosure.

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
Thanks for sharing those links! I'm trying to do as much research as I can so that's really helpful. And its good to know those temps work, at least for a crested gecko. I just need to decide which gecko I want for sure but there's so many kinds of geckos out there its hard to choose! :D
By the way if for some reason the temps ever go above 80 degrees, what would be the best way to cool the enclosure down?
You're welcome. There are soooo many geckos available -- geckos to fit everyone's desires! :banana:

Cresties are somewhat forgiving with "mild" heat above 80*F. Fans help cool an enclosure. There are other cooling techniques with ice cubes and such. In case of prolonged excessive heat, could you relocate a crestie downstairs or in a basement?

Have you discovered GU's 2 main crested gecko care guides?
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New member
Unfortunately I do not have a basement. And I am measuring temperatures in the coolest room of my house. Fans, ice, and misters sound like my best options if it ever gets too hot but after watching my temps for a while it doesn't seem like that will happen too often. I'll check out those care guides for sure. Thanks for all the help and advice!


Active member
Unfortunately I do not have a basement. And I am measuring temperatures in the coolest room of my house. Fans, ice, and misters sound like my best options if it ever gets too hot but after watching my temps for a while it doesn't seem like that will happen too often. I'll check out those care guides for sure. Thanks for all the help and advice!

I know this zoo med thermostat I am getting has an option to activate certain outlets when a temperature is reached. It's a cool down mode?

Zoo Med : digital thermostat


Active member
I live in New England with no AC. The high today was in the high 90's. When it gets really bad, I put ice packs in the crested gecko and gargoyle cages. I didn't do that today, and everyone is fine.


Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
I live in New England with no AC. The high today was in the high 90's. When it gets really bad, I put ice packs in the crested gecko and gargoyle cages. I didn't do that today, and everyone is fine.

Thanks for sharing, Aliza.

Fortunately the weather's been somewhat cooler on NW Oregon's coast!

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
I know this zoo med thermostat I am getting has an option to activate certain outlets when a temperature is reached. It's a cool down mode?

Zoo Med : digital thermostat

Hi panthergecko ~

The link to your Zoo Med's thermostat with a cool down option did NOT post. Is this a special digital thermostat?

Please try posting that link again.