New here, debating if I'm even going to get a gecko


New member
Hi there, I'm here to learn about geckos, I'm building a 60 gallon tall paludarium, and I got a homade misting system I want to try I got a thermostat that I'm going to set up it will be planted a bio active to a point. I'm very patient with my build I dont need to run out the day I build everything and buy me a lizard, especially where I don't know everything, the number one thing I worry about is that we have harsh winters here, it can get to 50 below here in Northern Michigan, so I'm worried about that too so please be patient with me if I drop alot of questions here about geckos. Also I am legally blind, so that's also a worry for me is that I can take care of my pet.

Thank you for your time


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Active member
Great project idea. With that setup you're probably looking at a gargoyle gecko or a crested gecko that can live in room temperature heat. I assume that despite the low outside temps, your home is heated reasonably. If so, it shouldn't be a problem. I see two things to think about and solve: if your gecko needs to be checked out, do you see well enough to be able to locate it and pick it up (I assume that you've worked out many such issues in your life, but I just thought I'd ask). Second, one issue with a palludarium is that crickets can drown in the water and the gecko can poop in the water so cleaning is important. Good luck with your project.



New member
Hi Aliza, thank you for responding to me, I have some sight I couldn't take care of a baby I wouldn't see it but a large juvenile to adult won't be a problem, I also been visiting and playing with the animals at my daughter's pet store which she manages I go once or twice a week, I clean cages and get a 30 gallon fish tank for free, or a 30 gallon internal water filter, or my thermostat for this aquarium and the all the decorations and so forth, and and when I'm ready for it she will order me a adult crested gecko, also it gets me out of the house because I don't drive and I just love visiting the pet store, also I can take my unlicensed therapy dog with me, he likes playing with the kittens that they house there for adoption.

But like I said before I'm in no hurry if taking care of tank is too hard for me, I won't get a gecko I want to give myself 2 months of just maintaining the enclosure before I bring a animal in. I think that's the most mature thing to do, I'm also thinking getting a large day gecko, a little bigger.

So tell me are my plans sounding correct or should I re think my ideas.

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
Crested geckos love a diurnal humidity drop that may be impossible within a paludarium. For instance I moderately mist my 16.5 yo crestie George's enclosure in the evenings before the lights go out. Then his humidity drops to ambient room humidity (~45-55%) depending upon the season.

I recommend starting with a crested gecko. Save the large day gecko until you have more experience.

Have you considered 2 separate setups: one for an adult crested gecko and the second, a paludarium, with a salamander?
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New member
I thought about that for my third project, if I can't keep the humidity or temp right then I will switch to 2 dumpy frogs I have keeper them in the past with great success in a set up like this, that qhy I'm giving my self that 2 month grace period before I buy my pet, to see if I can keep everything perfect also the water part is only going to hold about 10 gallons of water not a full 30 actually I think it's more like seven. Also I'm a strong believer woncw you bring a animal in your house it becomes a family member and I won't do anything to stress or hurt a family member.

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
I thought about that for my third project, if I can't keep the humidity or temp right then I will switch to 2 dumpy frogs I have keeper them in the past with great success in a set up like this, that qhy I'm giving my self that 2 month grace period before I buy my pet, to see if I can keep everything perfect also the water part is only going to hold about 10 gallons of water not a full 30 actually I think it's more like seven. Also I'm a strong believer woncw you bring a animal in your house it becomes a family member and I won't do anything to stress or hurt a family member.

I can see that you're a very thorough and caring keeper! Best wishes! Please keep Geckos Unlimited in your loop.