My new G. hainanensis! Is he supposed to be this tiny?


New member
Earlier this week I welcomed home my newest pet, a young G. hainanensis! He (it could still be a female but I was told it's male) came from someone who bought him from a pet shop around a year ago. They were going to college and didn't want him anymore and I gladly took him in. I put him into quarantine and left him alone for a few days then took him out for a few moments to clean his enclosure and snap a few pics. One thing that stands out to me is just how tiny he is. I heard cave geckos are generally smaller than leos and I know he is only around a year old but he barely weighs 8.9 g. Is he too small for his age? I'm really used to my chunky leopard gecko (who had to be put on a "diet") and I've never seen an adult cave gecko in person so it's hard for me to judge what's considered too big or too small for these guys.



New member
Thank you for the links! From what I understand now he's probably not too terribly underweight. And he gained a tiny bit of weight just since I got him. I'll continue reading those care sheets since they are very useful!

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
Thank you for the links! From what I understand now he's probably not too terribly underweight. And he gained a tiny bit of weight just since I got him. I'll continue reading those care sheets since they are very useful!

You're so welcome, Centaurora!

Everyone grows at different rates, even with ideal nutrition. It sounds like you are on the right path.