Albino Gecko Abdominal Distress


New member
We have an albino gecko that may be over 10 years old. In the last month he has become lethargic and now has abdominal distension, slightly blueish and mainly on the left side. We set appts for waiting list in the last week, once we noticed the abdomen issues. Do not have sand, just fake green substrate. Feed meal and wax worms, sometimes with calcium, however hasn't eaten much or had bms.

Had a somewhat similar issue with our 20+ year old gecko earlier this year, however they
were in different locations. With our last gecko we were told to bathe her and massage her stomach regularly which we did. A few months later she got worse and were on waiting list with several vets before she eventually died :cry: She was a great, friendly girl.

Don't know where to turn at this point, however should we get close to the same results,
does anyone have suggestions on how to euthanize? Located in the Bay Area (south bay).
Don't want to go through this again!
Thank you


Active member
How long is your waiting list usually? Can you try 1 drop of mineral or cooking oil on the nose to see if it lubricates things so the gecko can poop (not sure that's the problem, but worth a try)?



New member
How long is your waiting list usually? Can you try 1 drop of mineral or cooking oil on the nose to see if it lubricates things so the gecko can poop (not sure that's the problem, but worth a try)?


Hi Aliza, we have an appt on Wednesday, so it's been over 10 days. Hopefully he makes it.
Have been doing the olive oil and he has pooped once and now shedding, but still has swollen right side. Thank you!