
Gecko Lover95

New member
My new gecko is only 6 days old and i have only had him for 3 days. He wont eat and he is super thin. the first day i got him he ate half of meal worm. he hasnt eaten since. i dont want him to die. im getting really scared and im already attatched to her. pleeeeeeeeeease help!!!!!!!!!:cry:

Gecko Lover95

New member
My new gecko is only 6 days old and i have only had him for 3 days. He wont eat and he is super thin. the first day i got him he ate half of meal worm. he hasnt eaten since. i dont want him to die. im getting really scared and im already attatched to her. pleeeeeeeeeease help!!!!!!!!!:cry:


New member
So there is a way to "unforcibly" force feed. Take a mealworm and take off the head. Take you leo and hold in gently but firmly hold it in your non dominate hand. Im right handed so I would hold the leo in my left. Take the meal worm and rub it along its mouth. Be ready for him to open his mouth. He should grab the mealworm and slurp it down like spagetti... it may take time. Be patient. Only do one to start off with the first time. Dont over feed. And give your gecko time to fully swallow the meal worm before offering more. Remember be gentle. And anotjer thing is offer clear pedilite instead of water. It helps replace electrolites. I swear by that.