New member
i got my baby/juvenile crested gecko (Gobi) two weeks ago. He's overall been really good so far, he's shed once, really loves crickets, and already loves being handled. He only eats pangea when i spoon feed him but is good about it otherwise. A couple days ago, when he was catching a cricket, he ingested some coco fiber substrate. I immediately started researching impaction and have took some steps to deal with is. I havent fed him any crickets since and have been checking to see if he has pooped. He has not pooped yet but seems happy and healthy, his demeanor has not changed and he'll eat some pangea if i give him some while im handling him. He does not look bloated at all either and there are no black/blue spots on his sides. he does have a blackish/light brown mark on his belly, but i think its just part of his pattern as there are marks like that in other parts of his underside too, he's had said marks since i got him. Should I be worried? What should I do?