Ghost Gene Infertility


New member
Hello everyone,

I’m looking to find more information on the ghost gene infertility topic.

So, to my understanding female visual ghosts are infertile. Does this extend to females that are Het Ghost? Does anyone have any solid information about this?

I am also aware of the same issue for caramel albino females. Same question, does that infertility extend to Hets?

Thank you for anyone with information about this.

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
Welcome to Geckos Unlimited, Black_Lotus!

I'm sorry. I don't have any information at all about the ghost gene infertility topic.


New member
Thank you for the reply!

I was going to post an update on here. I spoke to a breeder that is quite well known and respected in Ontario, Canada and she informed me that the infertility issues do not extend to Het ghosts in AFT’s.

Hope this information might help someone else wondering the same thing.