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New member
those are some great looking uros. i love 'em but they just need too much room and thats something that is almost as precious as $$ in my house.. lol. the herp craze in our house started with my wife finding a 'blue' uro that she had to have. unfortunately, we were totally uninformed and then misinformed about how to care for her and she died.
i still think about putting an addition onto my house to make a herp specific room and adding them to my collection.

have you tried breeding them? any success?



New member
Nope I have seen/cared for some that weren't mine. These are actually little baby Egyptians. They are below ten inches still. I may pick up a few Mali babies soon. Real problem is the space.

I've found them to be realy smart and responsive. Maybe not monitor smart, but smart. They aren't nearly as stubborn as tortoises either.

I would recomend only getting one to start off with. I've had to go to great pains to avoid them from stressing each other out even they they've never shown any aggression.


New member
I had a couple of ornates for a while that I got as CB babies from Lindsay Pike. Great lizard! Really loved them, but hated my electric bill with them in my house. Require way too much heat for my taste. I miss them, but Texas is a much better state for them :).

They were fairly smart, and I like ornates because they aren't the skittish type. Run right up to me and crawl up my arm (or look for a treat of meal worms).


New member
Everyones talking about the heat cost who keeps Uros I've noticed. I have a 150 and 100 watt bulb on them plus a UV light. I just figure it's like ~2-3 gecko enclosures. At least I hope


New member
Maybe it's just everything involved in heating an animal up to a 120 hot spot. I constantly had lights blowing out on me, had to make sure they were in a separate shut off room. A lot of my other herps are temperate.. so they don't like it much above 80.. and those two (separate cages) could heat a room to 90 quickly. When I had to move to a place that had space constraints.. I had to downsize my frogs as well as my uros.. no longer had a reliable separate room to keep them in.




New member
My house gets so cold in winter I suspect the Uro cage is helping keep temps decent. I am worried about summer. Probably will need to send the Cresties and the Ginis to a different room.