fake rock...


New member
polystyrene with mortar or just straight-up vivarium mortar, such as that made by terra5 or vivarium concepts? does anyone have experence with either? it will be for desert, semi-desert terrestrials (nephrurus...). thanks.



New member
Faux Rock...

I used to work with tree monitors and found this on one of the sites I used to hang around at. in general its pretty simple but you can get the idea from there.


Also, you can try stuff like Fix-All and just coat the hell out of it with a polyurthane. we've done that before and its worked well.



New member
that guys stuff is amazing, but definitely seems to be for larger scale stuff. anyone have any info on how to make much smaller stuff?



New member
buy the book he recommends on the site. if anything you'll be able to scale it down by those means.
