Cyrtodactylus Sub-category


New member
I know that there are many of us working right now to start establishing the genus of Cyrtodactylus...I would like to make a request, and based on the yes' I get on the request, I will send it to Nathan and see what he can do. I would like to get an entire Sub-category for the Genus Cyrtodactylus, just as there is for Teratoscincus/Paroedura. I think that with the way we are doing the sharing of info. amongst ourselves with these geckos, we should have a forum devoted to it. What do you'all think? Nathan??? Thanks. Leland


New member
I completely agree with Leland.If you look at the thread for the Malaysian Gecko species that I put in the Buy,Sell,Want and Trade,and look at the views,it shows it having alot of interest.That particular thread is pretty much about Cyrtodactylus.I think this genus is finally getting the long overdue attention it deserves.I feel its because of the level of ability that keepers on this forum display,and the willingness to share with more novice keepers for those still learning.Just my humble opinion.


New member
Sounds like a plan to me :wink: maybe include a few others from the area that are similar to Cyrtodactylus spp , like Geckoella spp? I am sure we will be seeing a lot of these come in the next few years with all the work Marcus and Crystal are planning. I am excited!


New member
Hey,I will take it one step further,I would like to see Leah as the first moderator after Nathan(cant forget about the big guy).I think her experience and level of committment to the genus speak for themselves. :eek:


New member
I would like to thank Nathan for this sub-category. It should help keep things within this genus a bit more organized when dealing with the whole cycle of the genus. Thanks again Nathan.


New member
Excellent and timely.Nathan,sent you a pm.Leland,missed your call.Your quads and pulchellus are coming for sure.Glad to see all the sharing,with a special thanks to Frank,Leah and Shane for the pics.Already seeing similar incidents of behaviour,as Shane and Frank shared that they will sleep somewhat unprotected.Also the discussion on the their active nightlife.Good stuff everybody.


New member
You would think that if they sleep in the open in captivity, they would do so in their natural habitat...Maybe we've yet to find how they hide, this is up to you Marcus when you go. Later.