Making Rocks [pics]


New member
Heres how I created some rocks for my reptiles using polystyrene and polyfiller (plaster).

- polystyrene
- plaster mix or cement
- bondcrete or wood glue
- colored oxide powder
- sandpaper
- paint brush

1. Arrange polystyrene pieces into shape, adhere using woodglue.

2. Mix the plaster with water, a thicker mix is better as it will be easier to shape and detail later. Add to the plaster mix some colored oxide powder ( i used dark red), I recommend using a darker color for the base like brown or black, Remember the plaster mix will become lighter once dry.

3. Apply The plaster to the polystyrene, the thicker the plaster the better, then allow to dry.

4. Coloring:
Mix a 1:1 ratio of boncrete:water, then add colored oxide powder. Apply main color (here I used dark red) , dont worry to much about being too tidy :). Apply as many layers as is required to get your desired color.


Once the main color is dry apply highlights (I used a sandstonecolor) using the same mixture of boncrete:water:eek:xide powder, to areas of the rock to bring out details.

5. Once colors have dried, lightly sand over the rock, to cut away colors and give the rock a worn/ weathered appearence.

Note: The rock will gradually harden from the multiple layers of color applied to it.


New member
great post Mark. i have been looking for some concise instructions on how to do this. this is perfect and the final product looks great. thanks.



New member
honestly it looks like paper mache. I wonder how long it will last and how much of the coloring will chip or flake off.