Difference between Cyrtodactylus intermedius and C. pulchell


New member
The numbers are enough to compare,and there is no comparison.These are in great shape when they arrive.I think exporters have learned and I think my friend in Malaysia goes to extra lengths to provide healthy livestock.This next shipment will be similar in size and is actually going quite fast.I've reduced the number of Felinus I am importing,as we are having a great deal of success with captive propagation.I will be importing Felinus as new localities are collected,but those will be in small numbers also.I am looking to get more Cyrtodactylus species as we speak.Sabah and Sarawak are the targets right now.There will be some Gekko species targeted too.I will try to get pics when the shipment arrives this time.I think Leah and Jason at Wildeye will be a big help in keying out these species,so I plan on staying in close contact with them as this progresses.Most Cyrtodactylus species are really not that established in Herpetoculture yet.I hope people here understand the benefit of receiving geckos that actually will live.I would love to charge less,but do not import numbers large enough to do so,and when this all started I stated as much and have stood true to my word.Quality over quantity,because the money can be earned,but once a natural resource is gone,its pretty hard to replace.Most countries are wising up and will continue to tighten the restrictions in the Wildlife trade,and I applaude this.


New member
I can vouch for the quality and service from Marcus and plan to continue doing business with him, other importers, there is no comparison :wink:


New member
Someday when I get a nice magnifying glass, loupe, or macro lens I'll try to count the scales.. Its too hard with the naked eye, and the geckos are too active.

Looking at the pic though, I dont see 6-10 of any kind of scale...