Abberant Puchellus/Intermedius


New member
I was looking through some of the recent group of imports here,and noticed a particular gecko that was different.It middle band is only a partial band,and the last inch or so of its tail is completely white.All the others I have seen always have clear banding,and the original tails show banding also_Once I get a new USB cable for my camera.I will post some pics of it.Just curious if someone else out there might have seen something similar.


New member
I see one that has the partial band you describe in a book listed as pulchellus, but no shot of the tail on this one. You can add that one to my order :wink:

I do have to say that these guys are just as entertaining as the eloks or any of the other popular geckos to me, great pattern and very active even with dim room lighting...if they where only as rare how much more love would they get from all the Shallow Hals out there!


New member
It really is different than the rest.It has this ghostly appearance that it always keeps.The others only do that at night.During the day they all get dark.This ones strange.Well,the way things are going,they will all be rare someday.This is the last shipment of them that I just brought in.I will wait til next year to bring in anymore.Going to be focusing on other countries.


New member
Besides having that ghostly lack of pattern, it shows signs of being a C. intermedius compared to another C. pulchellus?

I see a handful of things that seperate intermedius from pulchellus if I am right about these being the different species.


New member
I noticed some things too.You see those yellowish white markings above their nostrils.On the intermedius,you dont see them.They have a bony protrusion right underneath those markings.Intermedius doesnt.That one is still different than the others that were Intermedius,that crazy abberant band,and the tail turns white at night,about an 1 1/2" of the last part of it.