

New member
That setup is just incredible!!! Seems like you planned it 100% perfect (maybe 99% if you are mad over the clear tubing LOL)

I wish I knew how to put something like that together and get all the plants to survive and everything, All my bromeliads I have kept always rot away at the base over time and they die, then my ficus trees always drop there leaves. Pothos is the only plant I can keep in the cages and have it do well.

But just overall, the whole thing is just WOW!!!

If you don't mind me asking, how much did it cost to build it?

Thanks Derek

Hi Derek,
to keep the ficus alive and in full leaf, put it in one position/spot and don't even touch it. If you so much as move it a 1/4 turn it will drop leaves. I found that keeping temp, humidity and dampness of soil fairly constant keeps mine really happy. It did drop pretty much all its leaves after I decorated it with X-mas lights and left them on too long..LOL. It's making a come back and will soon be looking for a new home...getting too big for my display.

Hi Marty,

I'm green with envy, and going to study my little set up to see what I can change for the better. After seeing your set up mine looks really bland. Any ideas for desert type viv? I have leopard geckos btw I've only had since Sept. 07, so I'm a newbie with reptiles really. Any suggestions greatly appreciated about tank design.
Thanks Melanie
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Geckos Unlimited
Staff member
I mainly do jungle type systems and have never done a desert. Search the forum, many people have done tanks here for their leos.


New member
I keep hearing mixed messages on the use of acrylic and / or plexi. Some say that it will warp quite quickly in a high humidity environment, while I have heard others say that they've had setups for years with no sign of warping or yellowing. I'd be curious to hear other's first hand experience (not... "I heard" or "I read") with the use of these materials over time.


Riverside Reptiles

Administrator (HMFIC)
I keep hearing mixed messages on the use of acrylic and / or plexi. Some say that it will warp quite quickly in a high humidity environment, while I have heard others say that they've had setups for years with no sign of warping or yellowing. I'd be curious to hear other's first hand experience (not... "I heard" or "I read") with the use of these materials over time.


It depends on the quality of the materials used. Not all acrylic/plexi is created equal. Nor are the prices. Do a google search for plexi and/or acrylic and you'll find all kinds of useful info on it.

I use lexan a lot these days when cage making. It's stronger than steel, lighter than glass, doesn't scratch like plexi, comes in clear and tons of colors (both opaque and transparent), and cuts like wood without chipping or cracking. It can be very expensive though depending on thickness and how much you're using.


Geckos Unlimited
Staff member
Thanks, glad you like it...I'm proud to say that my rack was featured in a dutch dartforg magazine... It was like a 4 page write up with tons of photos. Pretty cool :) It may also be featured in a dart frog book that's being written right now :cheer:

My dry ice method of insect control that I came up with was also featured in a different issue of the same magazine.


Geckos Unlimited
Staff member
not sure what you're talking about



New member
love it

i love it nice set up. I've always wanted something like that except for fish. where did you get the idea to build something like this and how much money did it cost to build it?


New member
from a herp enthusiast fresh out of college, with a brand new job living with his parents... speechless.:shock:


Geckos Unlimited
Staff member
petrie dishes were to keep frog eggs in the tank...sorry, didn't see that somone asked a question :)

Thanks for the compliments


New member
Aw i've seen this all before Marty....serioiusly when are you going to pimp something new? ;)

(It is a great setup btw, if i didnt already say that on dendroboard)


Geckos Unlimited
Staff member
No room for anything new at the moment...need a bigger house :) This thread is old, what can I say :p


New member
ya im running into same problem....i've filled the living room with vivs, now we are starting on the bedroom ;) I still have 1 spare bedroom left even with the fox and ferrets in the other ;)


New member
This is amazing, do you have any detailed drawings that you coudl post? I'd live to give a smaller scale version a go:yikes:


New member
buying a female mourning gecko

hey have you got any mourning geckos i can buy? thanks alot